Super Factory is a member type of "Super Factory" launched by 1688 in September 2020. It helps factories and enterprises further expand the Chinese market through six core services: official website creation, scenario marketing, data insights, professional training, rights support, and VIP services.
Incubate the source factory of explosive products and create solutions for platform supply chain factories. Improve the digital management capabilities of factories by expanding customization, creating explosive products, and expanding distribution, and seize the business opportunities of brand customization and platform potential products to achieve business and competitiveness growth.
Core Rights and Interests of Super Factory
Focusing on monthly product specifications reports, attracting investment and cultivating products, creating 100,000 products and 5 million merchants through the marketing and distribution ladder growth path, achieving gold medal manufacturing in the factory search column, and being selected into the four major distribution channels of platform factories: Tao Factory, Caiyuanbao, Taohuoyuan, and Alipay Code Merchants.