Credit card quick payment fee is 1% of the transaction amount (including shipping fee).
Alibaba launched this service to solve the credit card payment limit problem of users. When using credit card payment, Alipay needs to pay a certain fee to the bank. If the seller has not subscribed to the credit card service (that is, the store or product has no logo), the user can choose to pay the service fee by himself to complete the payment. If you do not want to choose this method, you can change to debit card payment or other payment methods, or re-select a merchant that has opened payment, which is free of service fee. The new service is to provide users with more choices. Whether to pay the service fee by yourself and complete the payment by credit card is up to the customer.
If the "credit card payment" service is not opened, then the buyer uses a credit card to pay, and no fee is deducted.
If the "credit card payment" service is opened, then the buyer uses a credit card to pay, and the user needs to pay 1% of the transaction amount (including shipping fee) as a transaction fee.
1% handling fee is only charged for the amount paid by credit card, and it will be automatically deducted from the money received by the user after the transaction is successful. Payments with Alipay account balance, red envelopes, points (Taobao Mall), shopping coupons, etc. are not charged.
Note: 1% handling fee is the handling fee ratio for commercial consumption stipulated by UnionPay. When you use your card to consume in general shopping malls, the mall operators will also deduct this fee, and there is no upper limit.
If it is a withdrawal fee, it is 1000/1