如果是,那么在诚信通里就有他的工商登记详细资料,这个信息是商家自己不能更改的。至于预付款的事情就得区别对待了,一般的骗人公司不敢大张旗鼓在网上宣传,更不会注册正式的商家来交易。但也有极个别商家贪图小利,骗一个算一个,不过这个目前我在阿里上的交易还没有发现过,因为我一般只选择与诚信通会员买卖,就算把货款全部付了也没发现过问题,不过一般都在500元以内。以上仅供参考。It is very simple to check whether they are merchants. Just check whether they are members of Alibaba TrustPass, because Alibaba TrustPass registration must be certified by the Industrial and Commercial Bureau.
If they are, then the TrustPass will contain their detailed industrial and commercial registration information, and this information cannot be changed by the merchant himself. As for the prepayment, it must be treated differently. Generally, fraudulent companies dare not advertise on the Internet with great fanfare, and will not register formal merchants for transactions. However, there are also very few merchants who are greedy for small profits and cheat as many as they can. However, I have not found this in my transactions on Alibaba so far, because I generally only choose to buy and sell with TrustPass members. Even if I pay the full amount of the goods, I have not found any problems, but it is generally within 500 yuan. The above is for reference only.