Some are, some are not. Because the factory sells directly, there are no middlemen to make a profit, so the wine on Alibaba is cheap. In order to make money, merchants will increase the selling price according to the cost after receiving the goods, so as to obtain commodity profits. The Haitianmeng series refers to the classic series of Yanghe blue products. It includes three major products: Haizhilan, Tianzhilan, and Mengzhilan. Among these three products, Haizhilan wine is the lowest-end. The normal price is only more than 100 yuan a bottle.
As far as I know, this is the price of the first-level agent. This price does exist, but I don’t know whether the wine on Alibaba is real or not.
There is no such thing as true or false. To operate, you only need the agency rights of Haizhilan. Anyone with agency authorization can sell. Some regular stores with agency rights still sell fake wine! This cannot be evaluated. You have to be careful not to be trapped. It should be real.