被限权用户在限权期限内服务费用(包括但不限于诚信通服务费、黄金展位费用等,如有)照常计算,服务期限不予延长。这种一般都是违规,侵权等导致的。另外提醒一点,扣分是累计的,累计到60分是直接关店的。(积分一年清理,如在去年7月1号扣8分,今年7月2号清零)The so-called restriction means suspending the access rights of the store, removing all published information from the shelves (if any), suspending the operation rights of supply and demand information, etc.
The service fees of the restricted users during the restriction period (including but not limited to the TrustPass service fee, golden booth fees, etc., if any) will be calculated as usual, and the service period will not be extended. This is generally caused by violations, infringements, etc. Another reminder is that the points are cumulative, and the store will be closed directly when the accumulated points reach 60. (Points are cleared once a year, such as 8 points were deducted on July 1 last year, and cleared on July 2 this year)