Most of them are fake. Even though Alibaba has fully covered China's online shopping channels, there are still some irregular merchants. If it is sent out from a factory near your home, most of them are reliable.
For those handicraft processing scammers who are aware of the Internet, they have long realized that they can pay thousands of yuan to buy a trust pass on Alibaba, and then publish a lot of handicraft outsourcing processing information.
If the company looking for outsourcing processing uses high processing fees or recycling fees as bait, and then collects various material deposits, deposits, material fees, machine fees, freight, insurance fees, notarization fees, etc. in the name of collecting various material deposits, guarantees, material fees, machine fees, freight, insurance fees, notarization fees, etc., and then asks you to pay continuously in the name of the goods on the way, then it is a scam
On some search platforms, it can be well promoted and attract more people, so that they can carry out a series of operations for their scams. Therefore, the information about outsourcing manual work found on the Alibaba platform cannot be considered reliable simply because the other party is a paid member or a member of the TrustPass.