客服待遇应该还可以吧,就是有可能要倒班什么的 我们单位的客户貌似还蛮不错的,工作环境、工资待遇都还不错银行客服工资在银行序列里属后台职位,不直接参与营销,所以收入属于中等偏下,收入高的一是领导,再一个是直接营销而且拥有客户资源的客户经理。
The treatment for customer service should be OK, but you may have to work in shifts. The customers of our company seem to be quite good, with a good working environment and salary. The salary for customer service in a bank belongs to the back-office position in the bank sequence, and they are not directly involved in marketing, so the income is lower than the average. The high-income ones are leaders, and the other is account managers who directly market and have customer resources.