根据售后综合指标来计算,比较合理,定一个标注,百分之多少,看具体类目,简单的就高一点,难 的就低一点,超过10点,加工资200-300就可以了,没有超过就是底薪,一般售后底薪在4.5k-5k左右(投诉,介入,品质退款率和售后综合指标几个方面都要计入标准的)
It is more reasonable to calculate according to the comprehensive after-sales indicators. Set a mark, how much percentage, depending on the specific category, the simple one is higher, the difficult one is lower. If it exceeds 10 points, a salary increase of 200-300 will be enough. If it does not exceed, it is the basic salary. Generally, the basic salary of after-sales service is around 4.5k-5k (complaints, intervention, quality refund rate and comprehensive after-sales indicators are all included in the standard)