To distinguish genuine and fake goods on Taobao, you can look at the store's reputation, product types, store features, and the number of stores.
1. Seller level You can check the seller's level on Taobao. After selecting a product, you can click on the seller's page and then check the seller's level. Generally, the higher the seller's level, the higher the possibility that the product is genuine.
2. Tmall products If you want to buy electronic products online, it is best not to buy them on Taobao. Many Taobao sellers sell fakes. Tmall Mall, like Taobao, belongs to Alibaba, but the quality of products sold on Tmall Mall is more guaranteed.
3. Official flagship store If the seller has indicated that the product is an official flagship store, then generally the products sold are genuine, but even if they are genuine, the quality of the product is not necessarily good.
4. Look at the reviews. There are usually many reviews below the products on Taobao. The reviews of users who have bought the product will be displayed below, divided into good reviews, medium reviews, bad reviews, etc. However, many sellers now have fake orders, so the reviews cannot be fully trusted.
5. Price. You will see a very strange phenomenon on Taobao. The pictures and descriptions are obviously the same product, but the prices are very different. However, the quality and workmanship of the lower-priced products may be much worse than those of the higher-quality products.
The fine workmanship of the product, the speed of logistics, etc. may affect the pricing of the product. If the difference is not very large, the quality may be similar.