It depends on the specific situation: If there are quite a few factories in the local area, then after the goods are produced, you can directly purchase them from the factory or the wholesale market, which is relatively cheaper, and the freight is not too much. You can personally inspect the goods, and if you find any problems, you can promptly respond to return or exchange. If you wholesale goods online, if you find a good merchant, then it may be cheaper, because now many manufacturers are publishing their own products on Alibaba, and the prices of first-hand sources of goods for wholesale business are very cheap. However, there are also great risks in purchasing goods online. You cannot personally inspect the goods, you cannot see the physical goods, and it is troublesome to request return or exchange goods if there are problems. If you encounter a black-hearted merchant, the purchase price must not be cheap, and the after-sales guarantee is not very great. According to the above, you should consider your actual situation and make a comprehensive analysis based on the local situation. Whether to choose to go to the wholesale market or purchase online, it is recommended that those who have no experience should choose to purchase goods at the local wholesale market, but the purchase price of the wholesale market is definitely a second-hand price, which depends on personal eloquence.
There is no absolute answer to this question, depending on the product and the manufacturer. However, for merchants who want to get samples, Alibaba can drop ship one piece at a time, and the price of one piece can be close to the purchase price, which is slightly higher than the purchase price. It is only suitable for getting samples.
Alibaba also has many types of sources, and some of them are not available in the market. However, if you want to get large-scale and normal goods, it is recommended to go to the wholesale market, where the price is stable and cheap.