但现在量子计算机的发展已经日新月异,估计5到10年之内就可以看到曙光吧。 不过量子计算机应该不会普及到大众使用,顶多做出量子云服务器,有计算需要的去申请调用就行了。
It will take another 5 to 10 years for quantum computers to mature. The quantum computers reported so far by IBM, D-Wave, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences-Alibaba are not universal quantum computers, but simulators for specific problems.
But now the development of quantum computers has been changing with each passing day, and it is estimated that we will see the dawn within 5 to 10 years. However, quantum computers are unlikely to be popularized for public use. At most, they will be quantum cloud servers, and those who need computing can apply for them.