Merchants are also unwilling to pay first. Therefore, the most ideal way to purchase products on Alibaba is to pay through Alipay. You can ask the customer to send you a link, you bid on the corresponding quantity, and transfer the money to Alipay first. Only after you confirm receipt of the goods, the money will be paid to the manufacturer. If the manufacturer does not ship the goods, you can apply for a refund, and Alibaba will return the money to the buyer after mediation. Alipay acts as an intermediary. If the manufacturer has shipped the goods and provided the voucher, but the buyer refuses to pay, Alibaba will also mediate and transfer the money to the manufacturer. This is a payment method that guarantees the safety of both parties.
In addition, there are online bank transfers and direct remittances. It is best to remit to a public account. It is safer to remit to a public account than to a private account. If there is a problem, it can be checked and it is easier to solve the problem than with a private account.