If there are quality problems with the goods purchased from Alibaba, you can return them.
1. You can find the seller through Wangwang on Alibaba and submit evidence to the seller that can prove the quality problem, such as photos of the goods or quality inspection reports.
2. After reaching an agreement with the seller, you can apply for a refund. After the seller confirms the application, send the goods back to the address provided by the seller and fill in the return waybill number on the refund page. For refunds due to quality problems, the round-trip shipping costs of the return are borne by the seller. As for how to bear the specific cost, such as the buyer paying first or waiting for the goods to arrive and paying the freight, this needs to be negotiated with the seller.
3. After the seller receives the return, confirm the refund on the refund page or wait for the default time to arrive, and the system automatically returns the payment, completing the entire return process.
4. If the negotiation with the seller is unsuccessful and the seller does not agree to return the goods, you can apply for a refund and apply for Alibaba customer service to intervene if the seller refuses. You need to submit proof that there are quality problems with the goods. Otherwise, Alibaba may determine that there are no quality problems and support the seller's decision not to return the goods.