In the Internet age, there are part-time jobs like posting on Xiaohongshu. As long as the content posted on behalf of others is not illegal or against regulations, and there is no need to collect deposits or guarantees in advance, you can still try to do it. However, the income from part-time posting on behalf of others will not be very high, and you need to use your own real account.
As you can see, it only costs 3 yuan to post a picture or text, and you need to pay 5 pictures to settle the bill. Therefore, it is best not to spend too much time on posting pictures and texts on behalf of others. Instead of trying every means to find such a part-time job, it is better to operate your own Xiaohongshu well, share good things on it, and attract the attention of fans. As fans accumulate over time, you can completely rely on this huge number of fans to take advertisements and make money in the later stage.
It is not illegal. Posting on Xiaohongshu is a very common phenomenon nowadays.
First, you download Xiaohongshu, click to log in, and post a note from time to time to activate your account. Then you may be noticed by merchants and they will ask you to cooperate with them.
In fact, posting on Xiaohongshu is a win-win situation. Merchants use your account to publish their products to achieve the purpose of product promotion.
And you can make money by posting notes on behalf of merchants. Generally, one note is a few dollars.
As long as the content posted is not illegal, it is basically not illegal.