阿里巴巴数学竞赛(Alibaba Mathematical Contest)是一项面向全球高中生的数学竞赛,由阿里巴巴集团主办。竞赛分为预赛和决赛两个阶段,预赛采用在线答题的方式进行,决赛则是在线下进行。
The Alibaba Mathematical Contest is a mathematics competition for high school students around the world, hosted by Alibaba Group. The competition is divided into two stages: the preliminaries and the finals. The preliminaries are conducted by answering questions online, while the finals are conducted offline.
In the preliminaries, contestants need to complete a certain number of questions within the specified time, and the full score is 100 points. In the finals, contestants need to complete a certain number of questions within the specified time, and the full score is also 100 points. Therefore, the total full score of the Alibaba Mathematical Contest is 200 points.
It should be noted that the scoring criteria of the Alibaba Mathematical Contest are relatively strict. Only correct answers can get points. No points will be obtained for incorrect answers or no answers. Therefore, contestants need to prepare carefully for the competition and improve their mathematical ability and problem-solving skills to get higher scores