中南财经政法大学(Zhongnan University of Economics and Law),位于武汉市,是中华人民共和国教育部直属的一所以经济学、法学、管理学为主干,兼有哲学、文学、历史学、理学、工学、艺术学等九大学科门类的全日制普通高等本科院校,由教育部、财政部和湖北省人民政府三方共建,是国家“211工程”、“985工程优势学科创新平台”项目重点建设高校。
Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, located in Wuhan, is a full-time general undergraduate college directly under the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, with economics, law, and management as its main disciplines, as well as nine major disciplines including philosophy, literature, history, science, engineering, and art. It is jointly established by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, and the People's Government of Hubei Province, and is a key university in the national "211 Project" and "985 Project Advantage Discipline Innovation Platform" projects.