The reliability of buying milk powder on Alibaba depends on multiple factors. First of all, Alibaba is a large e-commerce platform with many reliable sellers and brands. However, there are still risks of some bad merchants and counterfeit and shoddy products.
In order to ensure that the purchased milk powder is reliable, it is recommended to choose sellers with good reputation and high ratings, and check their product descriptions, reviews and customer feedback.
In addition, you can choose to buy milk powder from well-known brands or with relevant certifications, such as the certification marks of international certification agencies. It is best to communicate with the seller and understand the source of their products, quality assurance and return and exchange policies. Finally, pay attention to milk powder that is too low or too high in price, so as not to encounter fakes or high-priced scams. In short, carefully choose sellers and products, take some precautions, and you can buy reliable milk powder on Alibaba.