1. The tail goods in the factory are difficult to get, unless you purchase a large amount. The price of the factory's goods may be a little expensive. It is not recommended to go to the factory to get goods without a certain amount of funds. The advantage is that the goods in the factory are very stable and there are definitely goods.
2. Wholesale markets, such as Guangzhou's Shisanhang, Baima Clothing Market, Yinma International Clothing City, Humen Clothing Wholesale Market; Beijing's Zoo, Dahongmen Clothing Wholesale Market, Dalian Clothing Wholesale Market; Wuhan Hanzheng Street in the central part; Hangzhou Sijiqing in the Yangtze River Delta, Shanghai Qipu Road, etc.
3. Wholesale websites This type of wholesale website mainly includes the brand women's clothing discount store source category in the Alibaba clothing wholesale category, and also includes the online channels of brand discount suppliers. Make full use of the convenience of the Internet, so that entrepreneurs can directly browse styles and negotiate prices, and can also compare prices from three stores, saving the store owners from the hard work of purchasing goods.