1. 资金易找,人才难求,xx伟才。
2. 容“xx”功,但须努力。
3. xx送你一程,事业靠你打拼。
4. 猎头智慧,唯有伯闻。
5. 别再为错误的工作卖命了。生命短暂,禁不起一份错误的工作。快跳槽吧,到这里寻找你的新天地!
6. 易成,有你更精彩。
7. 伯乐识别千里马,伯闻广纳天下士。
8. 明朗人生,勇于优秀。
9. 招贤纳士,我选伯闻。
10. 慧眼识人赛刘备,聚焦英才皆精粹。
11. 人才为您疯狂,xx伟才人力资源。
12. 动动手,动动脚,动动脑筋皆有高薪!
13. 你想飞,就给你一双翅膀!——xx网吧招聘
14. 人尽其才,你最有才。
15. 你选择了伯闻,伯闻给你更好的选择。
16. 化难为易,助您显才。
17. 阿里巴巴:let’sgo!let’sdo!let’sshine!
18. 人才哪里找,伯闻最明了。
19. 伯乐之名,闻于天下。
20. 锦绣前程,伯乐慧眼。
Personalized recruitment slogans [Classic]
1. It is easy to find funds, but it is difficult to find talents. xx is a great talent.
2. "xx" achievements are acceptable, but you must work hard.
3. xx will give you a ride, and your career depends on your hard work.
4. The wisdom of headhunters is only Bo Wen.
5. Don't work hard for the wrong job anymore. Life is short and can't stand a wrong job. Change jobs quickly and find your new world here!
6. Easy to succeed, it will be more exciting with you.
7. Bo Le identifies the thousand-mile horse, and Bo Wen recruits talents from all over the world.
8. A bright life, courage to excel.
9. Recruiting talents, I choose Bo Wen.
10. The wisdom of identifying people is as good as Liu Bei, and the talents are all the essence.
11. Talents are crazy about you, xx Great Talent Human Resources.
12. Move your hands, feet, and brains to get high salary!
13. If you want to fly, we will give you a pair of wings! - xx Internet Cafe Recruitment
14. Everyone is talented, you are the most talented.
15. You chose Bowen, Bowen gives you a better choice.
16. Turn difficulties into ease and help you show your talents.
17. Alibaba: let’s go! let’s do! let’s shine!
18. Bowen knows best where to find talents.
19. The name of Bole is known to the world.
20. A bright future, Bole’s wisdom.