钉钉交友还算是靠谱,钉钉是阿里巴巴集团专为中国企业打造的免费沟通和协同的多端平台 ,提供PC版,Web版,Mac版和手机版,支持手机和电脑间文件互传。 钉钉因中国企业而生,帮助中国企业通过系统化的解决方案(微应用),全方位提升中国企业沟通和协同效率。
DingTalk is fairly reliable. DingTalk is a multi-terminal platform for free communication and collaboration created by Alibaba Group specifically for Chinese enterprises. It provides PC, Web, Mac and mobile versions, and supports file transfer between mobile phones and computers. DingTalk was born for Chinese enterprises, helping Chinese enterprises to improve the communication and collaboration efficiency of Chinese enterprises in all aspects through systematic solutions (micro-applications).