阿里巴巴是一个推广平台: 阿里一达通是一个综合服务窗口,代理做出口通关,退税,结汇,金融服务等 而阿里一拍档是阿里一达通的后台专业合作客服,目前这个客服团队全部外包给各区域的进出口公司,货代公司,供应链公司等。 三者都是具有连带关系,可称为一体。
Alibaba is a promotion platform: Ali One-way is a comprehensive service window, acting as an agent for export customs clearance, tax refund, foreign exchange settlement, financial services, etc. Ali One-partner is the backend professional cooperative customer service of Ali One-way. At present, this customer service team is outsourced to import and export companies, freight forwarding companies, supply chain companies, etc. in various regions. The three are all related and can be called one.