Whether Alibaba merchants will automatically make claims for orders that they have not shipped involves multiple factors. First of all, the Alibaba platform has certain automatic claims rules, especially for situations where goods are not shipped on time. The specific method of claims will depend on the platform rules and the agreement between the merchant and the buyer. If the merchant fails to ship on time, the platform may automatically provide the buyer with certain compensation. Secondly, for unshipped orders, buyers can seek solutions by communicating with the merchant or complaining to the platform. During the complaint process, the platform will intervene based on the specific circumstances and may require the merchant to provide relevant supporting materials to determine whether compensation should be given to the buyer. In general, the Alibaba platform has a certain automatic claims mechanism, but the specific claims rules and operating procedures may vary depending on the actual situation. If you encounter related problems, it is recommended to communicate with the merchant first. If the communication is fruitless, you can contact the platform customer service to make complaints and claims.