You may have been cheated. I have also had this happen. I directly transferred money to the seller and the seller delayed shipping. If your money has been transferred to the other party's account, Alipay cannot retrieve it for you. You can only complain, and this store will be frozen to prevent people from being cheated in the future. There is nothing else you can do. It is recommended that you transfer through Alipay when buying things in the future. Never directly transfer money to the other party's account or confirm receipt without receiving it. Be more careful in the future
Alibaba International Station's new regulations in August: delayed delivery and false transactions will face the risk of store closure
3 points will be deducted for delivery 1-15 days late.
3rd party delivery overdue for more than 16 days will be prohibited from drafting a transaction contract.
4th party delivery overdue for more than 60 days will reserve the right to close the store.