If you need Alibaba to do drop shipping, you can provide authorization letter and purchase certificate in the following ways. First, you can contact the supplier or manufacturer and ask them to provide an authorization letter, clearly authorizing you to act as an agent for the sale of their products. Second, you can ask the supplier or manufacturer to provide purchase certificate, such as a purchase contract, invoice, or payment voucher, to prove that you have purchased these products. You can scan or take a photo of these documents and send them to Alibaba via email or an online file sharing platform for their review and confirmation. Make sure the documents are clear and contain necessary information, such as supplier name, product description, quantity and price, etc.
If you want to do a drop shipping business on Alibaba, you need to provide an authorization letter and a proof of purchase. The authorization letter should state your company name, address and contact information on the letterhead, and detail the product information and quantity you need to drop ship. The proof of purchase should include necessary information such as your company name, address and contact information, product information, price and purchase date. These documents can be submitted to the supplier via email or online upload so that they can start processing your order. Please note that these documents must be legal, authentic and verifiable to ensure that your order can go smoothly.