It is true that Alibaba Cloud Customer Service can work part-time. Alibaba will recruit some Cloud Customer Service staff every once in a while. After these Cloud Customer Service staff pass a lot of training and exams, they can become formal employees and start working to earn money. They are very suitable for part-time work.
Alibaba Cloud Customer Service is actually an online customer service. You don’t need to go to the company. You can work part-time at home. However, Alibaba Cloud Customer Service is not that easy to do. You need to grab a quota. Only after you grab a quota are you eligible to apply.
Ali employees can work part-time in their spare time.
1. First of all, it is not illegal for company employees to work part-time in their spare time.
Moreover, the laws promulgated in our country do not explicitly prohibit employees from looking for part-time jobs in their spare time, but only have some restrictions on the time and type of employees' part-time jobs.