It is cheaper to buy goods from Alibaba. Reason: Alibaba is an e-commerce platform with a large number of suppliers and fierce market competition, and the prices are generally more transparent and favorable. Yiwu is a traditional tourist commodity wholesale market, and the prices are more affected by the transaction links and middlemen, so the prices are relatively higher. Content extension: In addition to price factors, Alibaba also provides a variety of preferential methods such as bulk purchase, stable supply, and ordering at any time, which can meet the needs of purchasing more conveniently and efficiently. But at the same time, you also need to be careful to prevent fraud and protect your rights.
It is cheaper to purchase goods in Yiwu, because the quantity purchased in Yiwu is relatively large, and the price is relatively low at this time. If you purchase goods on Alibaba, you need to pay the express fee, and the quantity of each order is relatively small, so the price is higher. Relatively speaking, it is more cost-effective to purchase goods in Yiwu