If you want to find factory rankings on Alibaba, you can follow the steps below:
1. Open the Alibaba website and log in to your account.
2. Enter the factory keywords you want to find in the search box, such as "factory manufacturing" or "factory ranking".
3. On the search results page, you can use filters to narrow the search. For example, you can filter the results based on geographical location, product type, certification and other conditions.
4. In the filter results, you can view detailed information about each factory, including company profile, product display, certification qualifications, etc.
5. If you want to know the ranking of the factory, you can view the ratings and reviews of the factory. On Alibaba, buyers can evaluate and give feedback to suppliers, and these evaluations and feedback can help you understand the credibility and reputation of the factory.
6. You can also find relevant buyers or buyer communities on Alibaba to learn about other people's evaluations and experiences of the factory.
It should be noted that the search results and reviews on Alibaba are for reference only, and you still need to conduct sufficient investigation and due diligence to ensure that the factory you choose meets your needs and standards.
Algorithm-based personalized recommendations based on buyer needs: The factory channel recommends factories to buyers. The first priority recommendation logic is based on the buyer's purchasing preferences, and the algorithm is used to recommend factories that buyers may be interested in.
Market sorting mechanism On the basis of personalized factory recommendations for buyers, a comprehensive ranking will be conducted based on market mechanism factors, including the following dimensions: factory content; factory brand level; and peace of mind transactions.
You must find the factory list on 1688 to find out the position of the factory on the list. If the factory list is at the top, then this factory must be reliable. You only need to search for Gong Zang's name and then check the homepage of the list to display the factory ranking. Generally, the factory that ranks at the top of the list is more reliable.