The credit penalty is a penalty imposed by the Alibaba platform after infringement. Usually, there will be no penalty for the first time, so it is displayed as no credit penalty. If the merchant infringes again and is reported and verified, the three-strike principle will be implemented, that is, if the merchant accumulates three credit penalties, the platform will close the account.
In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of platform users, Alibaba is now increasingly protecting intellectual property rights. The latest revised infringement has rules such as three-strike penalties. Platform sellers must abide by relevant rules and mechanisms to avoid deductions for infringements, because once the deductions are serious, Alibaba will not be able to participate in all activities throughout the year, including major events such as the Alibaba Procurement Festival in March and September, and will not be able to enter the preferred business area, missing out on a lot of high-quality traffic.
The deductions for violations on the international site are mainly intellectual property infringements. So what is intellectual property infringement? Intellectual property infringement refers to the behavior of the actor that objectively infringes on the property rights or personal rights of others' intellectual property rights and should bear civil liability. Intellectual property infringement generally includes trademark infringement, patent infringement, and copyright infringement.