Alibaba, one of the best brands of global business-to-business e-commerce, is currently one of the world's largest online trading markets and business exchange communities. At the same time, Alibaba's cloud computing, cloud services and other big data platforms play a vital role in China's Internet and even around the world. Alibaba and its subsidiaries are influencing us all the time. We use Taobao to buy things, Alipay to pay, Ele.me for takeout, and ofo for shared bikes. Alibaba has made efforts in many aspects, including finance, logistics, cloud computing, and big data. Not only has it brought us convenience in many aspects,
First of all, we must distinguish that these two are not the same type of companies, one is in the Internet industry and the other is in the OEM industry.
Alibaba has just gone public, and Jack Ma has become the richest man. Foxconn should have nothing to compete with Alibaba except for its large scale and large number of people
Alibaba is big, powerful, and Jack Ma is the biggest man in China.