There are cheap goods on 1688 Wholesale Network. As we all know, it is cheaper to buy goods from Alibaba. It is inevitable that some merchants will make profits by focusing on the quality of goods. However, as long as the price is normal, there are usually very few cheap goods. So how can we distinguish the source of goods?
1. Look at the product pictures
To purchase goods on Alibaba's purchasing platform, first look at the product pictures. You must look at the real product pictures. Alibaba's suppliers usually show real pictures, which can roughly judge the quality of the products.
2. Understand the merchants in many aspects
(1) First, check whether the merchant has opened the Trust Pass; whether it is applicable to Alipay guaranteed transactions; and whether it has opened Taobao buyer protection.
(2) Secondly, distinguish the merchant's qualifications. The merchant's qualifications are divided into three types: personal real-name authentication, corporate identity authentication, and corporate on-site authentication. The qualifications of merchants on Alibaba's purchasing website are different, which means that the strength of the merchants is also different. However, you cannot judge a product based solely on its qualifications. On Alibaba’s purchasing platform, there are many agents whose services and product quality are very good.
(3) Finally, look at the merchant’s product transaction volume/evaluation, product satisfaction, repeat purchase rate, number of purchasers, and whether product samples are available.