诚信通1688是针对国内市场。企业对企业(B2B),比如加工代工,批发等,小额批发等针对淘宝个人的企业对个人(B2C). 速卖通是小额外贸批发平台,主要针对美国市场。但是现在平台还在成长期,很多卖家也做零售。 国际站是外贸平台,
TrustPass 1688 is for the domestic market. Business to business (B2B), such as processing and OEM, wholesale, etc., small wholesale, etc. are for Taobao individuals. Business to individual (B2C). AliExpress is a small foreign trade wholesale platform, mainly for the US market. But now the platform is still in the growth stage, and many sellers also do retail. International Station is a foreign trade platform,