从你的提问来看,可能才刚开始接触速卖通吧。 这个运费不是这么算的,根据运输方式不同而不同,有中邮小包,也有商业快递(DHL, EMS等) 你现在需要的是找一个货代,让他报一个价格表给你,包含各种运输方式的报价,然后你根据他的报价要做好运费模板。
From your question, you may have just started using AliExpress. The shipping fee is not calculated in this way. It varies according to the mode of transportation. There are China Post Small Parcel and commercial express (DHL, EMS, etc.) What you need now is to find a freight forwarder and ask him to give you a price list, including quotations for various modes of transportation, and then you need to prepare a shipping fee template based on his quotation.