昨天晚上就出现这个情况了,是系统问题。 我也做完大概持续了1个小时,后来没有修改密码也没有做任何操作。 今天早上就正常了。 不用担心,这个应该是速卖通后台在更新,所以登陆不进去。 过几个小时再尝试登陆一下! 希望可以帮到你!
This happened last night. It was a system problem. It took me about an hour to complete the process. I didn't change my password or do any other operations. It was back to normal this morning. Don't worry. This should be because the AliExpress backend is updating, so I can't log in. Try to log in again after a few hours! I hope this helps!