佣金是直接扣除。利润看自己 一般30% 要加上小包的风险金进去速卖通开店不收费的~但是有些类目需要交纳保证金~比如假发之类的,另外速卖通是需要收取百分之5的佣金,就是你卖了100美金 实际到帐的是95美金~平台抽了5美金~还有你提现的时候需要收取15美金的手续费。
Pricing = cost + shipping + commission + profit + exchange rate. Cost and shipping are fixed.
Commission is deducted directly. The profit depends on yourself. Generally, 30% plus the risk of small packages. AliExpress does not charge for opening a store, but some categories require a deposit, such as wigs. In addition, AliExpress charges a 5% commission, which means that if you sell 100 US dollars, the actual amount received is 95 US dollars, and the platform takes 5 US dollars. When you withdraw cash, you will be charged a handling fee of 15 US dollars.