1. If you have multiple stores but only one trademark, you can choose one store as the official store and the others as the franchise store. 2. If your single store has products with multiple trademarks, you can only choose the franchise store;
2. If your trademark has not yet been obtained, you only have the acceptance book, which is the TM mark, and you are not eligible to apply for an official store.
Third, the TM mark (trademark application acceptance book) is only valid for 6 months on AliExpress. If you cannot get the R mark before the expiration, please go to the backend qualification application again in advance.
Fourth, the platform currently allows some categories to not require trademarks, but this is temporary. There will be new announcements later, and new rules are expected to be released by 2017.
Fifth, categories that have been confirmed to require trademarks. If there are no available trademarks.