The following provides you with some methods and reference information for checking the freight of Yiwu AliExpress
How to check the freight of AliExpress
Freight calculation tool of AliExpress platform:
Official website of logistics service provider:
You can directly visit the official website of major logistics service providers (such as China Post, DHL, UPS, etc.) to check the freight standards from Yiwu to different countries.
These websites usually provide detailed freight calculation methods and freight inquiry portals, and you can inquire according to the actual situation of the goods.
Consult AliExpress customer service or logistics service provider:
If you have any questions about freight calculation, or need more professional advice, you can contact AliExpress customer service or the customer service staff of the logistics service provider.
They can provide personalized freight inquiry and solutions according to your specific needs.
Reference information for shipping costs
The following is some reference information that may affect the shipping costs of AliExpress:
Cargo weight and volume: The shipping costs are usually proportional to the weight and volume of the goods. The heavier the weight and the larger the volume, the higher the shipping costs.
Country of destination: The shipping costs of different countries may vary. Some remote countries or countries with higher transportation costs may have higher shipping costs.
Logistics methods: Different logistics methods (such as postal parcels, express delivery, dedicated logistics, etc.) have different shipping costs and time limits. Postal parcels are usually cheaper but have longer time limits, while express delivery is more expensive but has shorter time limits.
Market conditions: Freight costs will also be affected by market conditions. For example, during the peak season, when logistics demand is strong, freight costs may increase accordingly.
Please note that the above information is for reference only, and the specific shipping costs need to be inquired and confirmed based on actual conditions. It is recommended that you carefully understand and compare the shipping costs and time limits of different logistics methods before publishing your products, so as to provide buyers with more competitive prices and a better shopping experience.