首先,钱肯定是能挣的,在速卖通上挣到钱的人也大把的有 我有个客户第一年做就做了三百万美金左右,虽然我也不知道具体能赚多少钱。。 但是也要看你具体怎么做了,各个环节都要把好关,毕竟跨境周期长,一个不小心就亏了的人也大把的存在。细节可联系沟通哦~
First of all, you can definitely make money, and there are many people who have made money on AliExpress. I have a client who made about three million US dollars in the first year, although I don’t know exactly how much money he made. . But it also depends on how you do it specifically. You have to check every link. After all, the cross-border cycle is long, and there are many people who lose money if they are not careful. Please contact us for details~
If it doesn't make money, will so many people do it?
Each platform has profitable and unprofitable parts
It's just that the methods of making money may be different