60天退回来,速卖通“特别放款计划”是近期新出的政策,这些保证金将在卖家发货后的第60天自动释放给卖家。 如果速卖通卖家在速卖通平台上有可提现但是尚未提现的交易款,那么阿里巴巴有权从该等款项中扣除以补足保证金。如果速卖通卖家逾期没有能及时补足保证金的,那么速卖通平台有权终止本协议。
60 days. The AliExpress "Special Loan Plan" is a new policy recently introduced. These deposits will be automatically released to the seller on the 60th day after the seller ships the goods. If the AliExpress seller has transaction funds that can be withdrawn but have not yet been withdrawn on the AliExpress platform, Alibaba has the right to deduct them from such funds to make up the deposit. If the AliExpress seller fails to make up the deposit in time after the deadline, the AliExpress platform has the right to terminate this agreement.