速卖通关店押金退款流程如下: 在关闭店铺后,系统将按照一定的时间周期进行核算,确认无任何纠纷后,将于10个工作日内将押金原路退回至您的支付账户,退款到账时间视不同支付渠道而定。部分地区的手续费和汇率浮动也会影响最终的到账金额。若有退款疑问,可联系速卖通客服获得帮助。
The process of refunding the deposit of the closed store on AliExpress is as follows: After the store is closed, the system will calculate according to a certain period of time. After confirming that there is no dispute, the deposit will be returned to your payment account within 10 working days. The refund time depends on different payment channels. The handling fees and exchange rate fluctuations in some regions will also affect the final amount received. If you have any questions about the refund, you can contact AliExpress customer service for help.