针对懒人还是有妙招。你可以针对你要收到的信息关键词做一个预先的设定。比如买家信息中包含:“延长”并且“收货时间”你可以抓住这两个关键词然后做出回应。可以帮助他自动延长有效期。这一点貌似整个跨境电商里只有旺销王能做到。Yes, you can try the cross-border e-commerce ERP Wangxiaowang.
There is still a trick for lazy people. You can make a pre-set for the keywords of the information you want to receive. For example, if the buyer's information contains "extend" and "delivery time", you can grasp these two keywords and respond. It can help him automatically extend the validity period. It seems that only Wangxiaowang can do this in the entire cross-border e-commerce.