1. Order confirmation. When the buyer places an order, the seller needs to confirm the order. When confirming the order, the seller needs to check whether the order information is accurate and whether the goods are complete, and then confirm the order.
2. Packing. After confirming the order, the seller needs to pack the goods. During the packing process, attention should be paid to the quality and safety of the goods, and the goods should be packed according to their types and characteristics. For example, fragile goods should be packed more tightly.
3. Generate a courier note. After packing, the seller needs to use the logistics service provided by the AliExpress platform and generate the corresponding courier note on the platform.
4. Confirm shipment. After generating the courier note, the seller needs to confirm shipment. When confirming shipment, you need to fill in the corresponding logistics information, such as the logistics company and waybill number.