1 可以设置包邮模板2 在速卖通店铺管理页面,选择“运费模板”,点击“新建运费模板”,在模板内容中勾选“包邮”,并设置包邮条件和范围即可。
3 包邮模板的设置可以方便卖家管理运费,提高购物体验,进而增加销量和顾客满意度。
1 You can set up a free shipping template. 2 On the AliExpress store management page, select "Shipping Template", click "Create a New Shipping Template", check "Free Shipping" in the template content, and set the free shipping conditions and range.
3 Setting up a free shipping template can help sellers manage shipping costs, improve shopping experience, and increase sales and customer satisfaction.