Pinduoduo is in the form of commodity ordering, forming a low price. However, many people buy fake products on Pinduoduo, that is, the quality is not good. However, Pinduoduo also has products with good quality brands, that is, products marked with black characters. Really, I once bought a shirt on Pinduoduo, but the quality is really good.
I bought the same piece of clothing in the store with the brand logo in black. So I think the brand labels with black characters are mostly genuine products. And it also indicates that this product is genuine
The price on the Pinduoduo platform is very favorable, and indeed some products are not genuine. How can I buy genuine products on the Pinduoduo platform?
It is best to buy it on the official flagship store on the Pinduoduo platform, so as to ensure that you can buy genuine products. Of course, it cannot be said that the products of the unofficial flagship store are not genuine. The price of Pinduoduo's commodities is very low, mainly caused by the platform's tens of billions of subsidies, which makes the price very low. There are generally no fakes when buying products with tens of billions of subsidies.
In fact, there are many genuine products on Pinduoduo. If it is genuine, he has the certificate of guaranteeing the authentic product, and there will be a black brand in front of the name of the item.
Generally speaking, most of the flagship stores are genuine. If you want to search the pen of the brand of Baile, you just need to search for Baile.
||Pinduoduo shopping is best to choose a merchant in the tens of billions subsidy
||Pinduoduo! The things in the official flagship store are all genuine!
||The official download of Pinduoduo can buy genuine products