Tmall, JD.com and Pinduoduo have authentic merchants, but there are also fake products. As a well-known e-commerce platform in China, Tmall and JD.com have strict quality control and after-sales processes, and most of the merchants are formal and legal. At the same time, these two platforms also have certain after-sales protection and consumer rights protection mechanisms, which can protect the rights and interests of consumers. As a platform with grouping and low prices as the main selling point, Pinduoduo's quality control and management are even weaker, and there are problems of fake and parallel imports. When purchasing a product, consumers should choose a trusted merchant to buy through a comprehensive consideration of the business qualifications and evaluation of the merchant. At the same time, if there is a problem with the received goods, you should contact the merchant and the platform for rights protection in time.
Jingdong is the most reliable, Tmall has a lot of fakes, slow express delivery, irresponsible person, JD.com has done everything in place, and there are discounts on major holidays, coupon collection activities, before, I believe that the brick-and-mortar store was pitted, and the brick-and-mortar store has closed down again. Now the first choice is the JD.com online shopping store. In the past few years of shopping, the sending and receiving is in place on time. One word, like, like, and . Jingdong, only Jingdong goods are really
||are all genuine products.
However, the three with the lowest genuine product rate should be Pinduoduo.
JD.com has the highest authenticity rate. All three have imitations. Just how many. However, the protection system of each business is ok. Buy imitations can be returned.