尽量不要在 Amazon/Ebay 上买潮牌,很多都是假的或者高仿的尽量在正规网站内购买 像是 ssense,yoox,nordstrom,farfetch 一般来说kenzo的卫衣 都在230 - 400 usd 之间,最低也就是再打个7/8折,再往下的就不用看了,没真的
Try not to buy trendy brands on Amazon/Ebay, many of them are fake or high imitations. Try to buy on regular websites such as ssense, yoox, nordstrom, farfetch. Generally speaking, Kenzo sweatshirts are between 230-400 USD, and the lowest is 70%-80% off. Don’t look at anything lower than that, there is no real one