Amazon有很多自己品牌的产品,包括kindle等。也有很多其他商家入驻。应该是混合型的b2c模式,类似于京东。eBay就基本是纯C2C,类似淘宝。BEST BUY是全球最大的家用电器和电子产品的零售和分销及服务集团。属于自营b2c,类似于国内的苏宁和国美。
Amazon has many products of its own brand, including Kindle, etc. There are also many other merchants settled in. It should be a mixed B2C model, similar to eBay is basically pure C2C, similar to Taobao. BEST BUY is the world's largest retail, distribution and service group for home appliances and electronic products. It is a self-operated B2C, similar to Suning and Gome in China.