1. 首先,您需要确保订单满足拆分条件:物品数量大于1的订单才可以进行拆分。
2. 登录您的eBay账户,进入“我的eBay”页面。
3. 点击“已卖出的物品”链接,找到您想要拆分的订单。
4. 在订单详情页面,点击“拆分”按钮。
5. 新订单的订单金额会显示为0,以此区分主订单和新订单。
6. 在支付后进行拆分订单,一般是为了方便进行财务结算。例如,如果用户在一个订单中购买了多个店铺的商品,平台需要在用户支付后根据订单所跨的店铺进行拆分,并将用户支付的金额分摊到每个店铺。
7. 如果拆分错误,您可以手动合并订单。
The steps to split an order on eBay are as follows:
1. First, you need to make sure that the order meets the splitting conditions: only orders with a quantity of items greater than 1 can be split.
2. Log in to your eBay account and go to the "My eBay" page.
3. Click the "Sold Items" link and find the order you want to split.
4. On the order details page, click the "Split" button.
5. The order amount of the new order will be displayed as 0 to distinguish between the main order and the new order.
6. Splitting an order after payment is generally for the convenience of financial settlement. For example, if a user purchases goods from multiple stores in one order, the platform needs to split the order according to the stores across the order after the user pays, and allocate the amount paid by the user to each store.
7. If the split is wrong, you can merge the orders manually.
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