Airbnb模式是AirBed and Breakfast ("Air-b-n-b")的缩写,中文名:空中食宿。空中食宿是一家联系旅游人士和家有空房出租的房主的服务型网站,它可以为用户提供多样的住宿信息。
Airbnb is the abbreviation of AirBed and Breakfast ("Air-b-n-b"), and its Chinese name is: AirBed and Breakfast. AirBed and Breakfast is a service website that connects tourists with homeowners who have vacant rooms for rent. It can provide users with a variety of accommodation information.
In 2011, Airbnb services grew an incredible 800%.
Airbnb was founded in August 2008 and is headquartered in San Francisco, California, USA. Airbnb is a travel house rental community where users can post, search for vacation house rental information and complete online booking procedures through the Internet or mobile phone applications. Airbnb users are spread across nearly 34,000 cities in 190 countries, and have posted 50,000 house rental information. AirBnB was called "EBay in Housing" by Time Magazine.