EBAY店铺有三种, 一般的卖家可以不开店, 如果你的ITEM超过150个的话, 可以开个月租13美金左右的, 也就是最便宜的那种, 开店在销售上没有什么优势, 只是刊登非便宜一点, 获得一两个销售工具而已, 所以, 新卖家 还是不要开店的好
There are three types of EBAY stores. Ordinary sellers do not need to open a store. If you have more than 150 items, you can open a store with a monthly rent of about US$13, which is the cheapest type. There is no advantage in sales to open a store, it just makes listing cheaper and gives you one or two sales tools. Therefore, it is better for new sellers not to open a store