然后看那些大卖家的信用评价,主要看差评这类的。 看别人怎么留的,一般都没有什么人说是仿货的话,就没什么问题可以放心的购买。 况且ebay的政策是很保护买家的,买家收到产品,如果是假的货可以提供证明发起争议,如果卖家拿不出证明,一般都会判你赢的。
There are definitely knockoffs.
First check the seller’s credit, preferably a big seller. Don’t be greedy and buy low-priced products from newly registered sellers, because they are very likely to be fake.
Then look at the credit ratings of those big sellers, mainly the negative ones. Look at what others have left. Generally, if no one says it is a knockoff, then there is no problem and you can buy it with confidence. Besides, eBay’s policy is to protect buyers. If the buyer receives the product and it is a fake, he can provide proof to initiate a dispute. If the seller cannot provide proof, you will generally be ruled the winner.